Other Designs

Scenic design of Rumors at the Regional Center for the Arts built by Upstate Scenic, painted by Sue Hansen

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The Peter and the Wolf tree I designed, built, and painted had a few tricky facets- the tree had to hold up to six dancers at a time, not budge under pas-des-chats done on top of it, have several different “entrances”, accommodate barefooted dancers, and not damage (or put screws through) our brand new Marley floor.
Well, I always wanted to build a treehouse!

Footloose was my very first RCA production. Since I was running around so much trying to figure out the sound, lights, and other infrastructure, I wasn’t able to take many photographs.  I do, however, have this clip of one of the songs.  This set is my design as built by Upstate Scenic. (During the taking of this video, I was actually running 36 channels of mics…)

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One Act Festival, Regional Center for the Arts.  This piece involved some 15 short plays (including “Actor’s Nightmare”) over a two day festival and required a flexible set with several short levels.  Changes in mood and location were aided by props and additional pieces, projection, sound, and lighting.

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